ISSN – 2584-1491

Innovation and Integrative Research Center Journal

Peer Reviewed & Refereed Journal, Open Access Journal

ISSN Approved Journal No: 2584-1491 | Impact factor: 6.17(Calculate by google scholar and Semantic Scholar | AI-Powered Research Tool ) ESTD Year: 2023 Scholarly open access journals, Peer-reviewed, and Refereed Journals. Multidisciplinary, Weekly, Online, Indexing in all major database & Metadata, Citation Generator, Follow UGC CARE Journal Norms and Guidelines, Digital Object Identifier(DOI)

📢 Call For Paper: Volume-3 | Issue-3 | Important Dates: Submission Last Date – 30 March 2025 | Acceptance Status – In One Day | Paper Publish – In Two Days | Submit Your Research Paper On:

Important Dates
Submission Last Date – 30 March 2025

Call For Paper: Volume -3 | Issue-3
Submit Your Research paper On

Acceptance Status – In One Day
Paper Publish – In Two Days

Peer Review Policy

Innovation and Integrative Research Center Journal (IIRCJ)

At Innovation and Integrative Research Center Journal (IIRCJ), we are committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity, quality, and transparency in the publishing process. Peer review is the cornerstone of our commitment to ensuring that the research we publish is robust, accurate, and valuable to the global academic and professional community.

Principles of Peer Review

Our peer review process is founded on the following principles:

  1. Objectivity: Reviews are conducted impartially, with evaluations based solely on the scientific merit, originality, and relevance of the manuscript.
  2. Confidentiality: Manuscripts under review and all related communications are treated with strict confidentiality.
  3. Anonymity: The identities of reviewers remain anonymous to the authors to promote honest and unbiased feedback (double-blind peer review).
  4. Constructive Feedback: Reviewers provide constructive critiques aimed at enhancing the quality of the manuscript.

The Peer Review Process

The peer review process at IIRCJ involves the following steps:

  1. Initial Submission:
    • Authors submit manuscripts through our online portal.
    • Submissions are checked for compliance with the journal’s guidelines and scope.
  2. Editorial Assessment:
    • The editorial team conducts an initial evaluation to ensure the manuscript meets basic quality standards and is within the journal’s scope.
    • Manuscripts that do not meet criteria are promptly returned to the authors.
  3. Reviewer Assignment:
    • Manuscripts are assigned to subject matter experts for detailed evaluation.
    • Reviewers are selected based on their expertise and familiarity with the manuscript’s subject area.
  4. Peer Review:
    • Reviewers assess the manuscript’s originality, methodology, significance, and relevance.
    • They provide detailed feedback, suggesting necessary revisions or justifying recommendations for acceptance or rejection.
  5. Author Revisions:
    • Authors are required to address reviewers’ comments and resubmit the revised manuscript within the stipulated timeline.
  6. Final Decision:
    • The editorial team reviews the revised manuscript and feedback from reviewers to make the final publication decision.
    • Accepted manuscripts undergo a final round of copyediting before publication.

Reviewer Responsibilities

Reviewers play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of our peer review process. Their responsibilities include:

  • Providing timely, objective, and constructive feedback.
  • Highlighting any ethical concerns, including potential plagiarism, data fabrication, or conflicts of interest.
  • Refraining from using or disclosing any information from the manuscript under review.

Author Responsibilities

Authors are expected to:

  • Submit original, accurate, and ethical research.
  • Respond to reviewers’ comments in a professional and timely manner.
  • Disclose any conflicts of interest related to the manuscript.

Ethical Guidelines

We adhere to the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) to ensure the highest standards of ethical publishing. Instances of misconduct, such as plagiarism, data falsification, or unethical practices, are handled with zero tolerance.

Transparency and Accountability

  • Decisions made during the peer review process are documented and reviewed periodically to ensure consistency and fairness.
  • Appeals and complaints are handled through a formal process to ensure author satisfaction and journal integrity.

At IIRCJ, we are committed to fostering trust and credibility through a rigorous, transparent, and ethical peer review process that contributes to the advancement of knowledge across disciplines.

For any questions or concerns about our peer review policy, please contact us at


Scientific Journal Impact Factor

