Innovation and Integrative Research Center Journal

ISSN – 2584-1491

Peer Reviewed & Refereed Journal, Open Access Journal 
Call For Paper: Volume -2 | Issue-8
Important Dates
Submission Last Date – 29 August 2024
Acceptance Status – In One Day
Paper Publish – In Two Days
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Call For Paper

  • Publication Charges include

    • Publication of one entire Research Paper Online
    • Individual certificate soft Copy to all author of paper
    • softcopy of Confirmation Letter
    • softcopy of Research Paper
    • Typesetting and general Paper formatting
    • Maintenance of Website and journal infrastructures.
    • Indexing
    • Publication Available life-time in digital repository and website.
    • Zenodo is our DOI Partner (

  • Publication Charges include

    • Publication of one entire Research Paper Online
    • Individual certificate soft Copy to all author of paper
    • softcopy of Confirmation Letter
    • softcopy of Research Paper
    • Typesetting and general Paper formatting
    • Maintenance of Website and journal infrastructures.
    • Indexing
    • Publication Available life-time in digital repository and website.
    • Zenodo is our DOI Partner (

  • Publication Charges include

    • Publication of one entire Research Paper Online
    • Individual certificate soft Copy to all author of paper
    • softcopy of Confirmation Letter
    • softcopy of Research Paper
    • Typesetting and general Paper formatting
    • Maintenance of Website and journal infrastructures.
    • Indexing
    • Publication Available life-time in digital repository and website.
    • Zenodo is our DOI Partner (